Wednesday, October 5, 2011

❤ Cousins ❤

We love our cousins so much!! We had a blast this summer chasing fireflys, painting rocks for Father's Day, and of course creating a rock band called "Princeton Beach"

❤ Wow! Where Did The Summer Go? ❤

Well I blinked my eyes and now its October! It looks like my last post was in May so I have some catching up to do! The boys had a great summer while I laid in bed with horrible morning sickness thru most of it. :) I"ll post some pictures of all the good times we had living on the river.

Junior Bix 5- Kaleb was in his moment
Painting the road red
Sprinkler fun
Fun times with Daddy
Classic summer river rat


Kaleb and Bruce
"Quarter Pocket" with his uncles

Cheese balls!

Super Kaleb and Mommy
Happy 4th Birthday Kaleb!
My sweatheart!
Sunscreen sillies

Sunday, May 1, 2011

❤ April Showers Bring May Flowers ❤

We've been really enjoying the sunset on the river during the Springtime.  Here are some pictures!

In Our Backyard

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

❤ I Have A Girlfriend Mama ❤

Shamrock Shuffle Chicago

Kaleb has announced to everyone that he has a girlfriend, and after only two weeks at his new school! Her name is Nikki and she has a ponytail and hair color like Nana Sandy. Oh, and I almost forgot...wears Mickey Mouse earrings that are "really cool". So I asked him why she was his girlfriend..."because she picks up my toys and is pretty". Of course, how silly of me to even ask!!

This has been just the beginning of our interest in girls and princesses.  At the grocery store when asked to pick out why kind of yogurt he wanted the cars or the Trix bunny, he replied "its Cinderelli, I want the Cinderelli daddy". I just smiled and Brian didn't even flinch putting it in the cart.  The very next day he offered his yogurt to his older male cousin and was super excited to show him "Cinderelli", as he calls her, on the yogurt cup.  
This week we've watched Pocahontas and Tinkerbell.  Everything was great until he came running into the kitchen with tears streaming down his face because one of the fairies hit Tinkerbell on the head and didn't say she was sorry.  I'm not sure why, but it seems he's become much more sensitive toward female characters than he does male characters.  Our typical day is immersed with the Super Hero Squad, Transformers, Cars, and Curious George and so on, as he pretends to karate kick everything in sight, talk with his manly voice, and use his hilarious facial expressions acting out scenes.  But not once has he cried or gotten upset about one of those characters being mean.  Instead, he acts out just like the characters and behaves horribly.  So I put in the Disney movies to take a break from the madness and now I'm faced with a new problem. What to do, what to do...

Monday, April 11, 2011

❤ Your the apple of my kitchen ❤

Perhaps this will spark your interest in visiting! No picture of me in an apron holding a fresh baked pie...yet. 

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

❤ Down By The Bayou ❤

Rain, Rain Go Away

We made it to our new home and were loving it so far.  Sunday night after everyone had left we saw our first storm cross the river, in which, we all sat outside to watch before the rain started...what a show!
The next day was a rainy one and therefore, Kaleb decided to watch a movie.  His choice, Princess and the Frog. We spent the rest of the day singing and dancing to Down by the Bayou.  I think were going to really like living on the river. 

Thursday, March 31, 2011

❤ Green Eggs and Ham ❤

Luc, Kaleb, Lee and Charlotte
Uncle Lee brought over cousins Luc and Charlotte today for lunch, but when Charlotte was hesitant about trying a new juice box flavor, Kaleb decided to chime in on his Green Eggs and Ham theory.  He explained to Charlotte, like we do to him, that if you don't try something new you'll never know if you like it.  He then began repeating verbatim the words in the book. I was astounded, and so proud of how much information he was retaining. There are many days that you just hope what you do for your little one will pay off someday. Well this was a day of confirmation that one, he gets our messages and two, likes to teach others of his discoveries. Yeah! 
I'm heading to the bookstore for more Dr. Seuss. ;)